Thursday, 3 February 2011

January review.

I have already made more money in January and February than I did in the whole of 2010.

I think that says it all. It's gone really well on the most part. I managed to get platinum in the end though I dropped a bit of money at PLO in getting there, not really worth it. I completed my 16 hour session which was fun, I grinded for 8 times longer than I normally do and actually made a lot of money. I PTR'd that day.

Here's my giraffe of the year so far;

Missing about 8k hands on another computer, so I'm + about $1250 on the tables alone which is pretty good considering the volume I put in.

February goals include more of the same and to get a new laptop :)

Thursday, 27 January 2011

16 Hour Grind and Stars Buy In Changes

I have set myself a challenge of having a 16 hour session this Friday 28th January. I feel like I'm not even going to get close to the required time but I want to get the vpps as a way of proving to myself that I'm serious about getting supernova this year. I have put $15 of action on this, nothing serious but I haven't gotten odds which is a bit fishy on my part but oh well. Should be fun, will have a AIM/Skype group chat open if anyone wants to join me or chat during the session.

Stars announced that they will be changing the buy in structure for NLHE and it's just awesome. 50-20 buy in tables will be gone after Feb 10th and 40-100 will be standard with CAP and deep tables spread. CAP tables hold no attraction to me and hopefully for fish so expect juicier tables, especially at 25nl which won't have CAP. I'm so happy!

I got a new 22" monitor which is pretty awesome, I can't connect it to my laptop at the moment but I should do by next week. It's pretty good quality and hopefully will allow me to grind better and with less stress. I love it already!

As far as poker goes, I'm going up and down up and down I had a few 6 bi +/- swings the last few days but I feel I'm playing good poker and trying not to play while tilting which is my biggest leak in my opinion. Lets hope for a bit of run good during the loooong grind tomorrow!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker! The WBCOOP is a free online Poker tournament open to all Bloggers, so register on WBCOOP to play.

Registration code: XXXXXX 488823

December wrap up and January progress.

December was a month where I really tilted badly. I managed to perma tilt, then I tried plo for a while because of the lovely vee pee pees that I love. Anyone who has ever played PLO knows how ****ing insane the variance is, however I think I'm an ok player, but I haven't got a sample big enough. Eventually I said FU to platinum star, and just took it easy, cut the tables, cut the tilt and managed to put in some decent winning sessions (at long long last!) at full ring nlhe (I'm a nit at heart).

2010 in poker was a year of good times and bad times (ok I'll cut it out). I think the final numbers for 2010 go something like 240k hands played +$1100 and 40k vpps. So not the most successful year in any category. However I did have 5 months off during the year, which had I been playing, I could have made a run for supernova.

In life it was a good year, I went to New Zealand in March and stayed for 6 months, that was possibly the time of my life so far, then I came back and started uni and had a difficult but fun time. I'll post my TR of NZ hopefully today.

Lets hope for a new start in January!

2011 goals
[] supernova
[] less tilt
[] move up
[] make a run at six max or heads up
[] real sick house in Thailand with tonnes of poker friends I met through DC???

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

November Review

Life has been hard in November. Running like shit at the tables and spewing like a motherfucker. Also I have found that my university course is going down the pan really, to be honest. I am not doing the work and have found myself feeling depressed and generally unmotivated, maybe the reason I am getting so tilted at the tables. Work is handed in late, if at all and it's not ok. I have decided that I need to focus on my university course as a number one priority, no more fucking around. I have banned myself from 2p2 for a week, and will hopefully get in the habit of actually doing my work as I am supposed to.

As for my poker results...

-$649 NLHE
-$250 PLO
a -$900 month


Monday, 8 November 2010

november.... FUUUUUUU!

As soon as a new month rolls along I feel like my luck drastically changes for better or for worse and unfortunately November I have hit the variance hard and in a bad way. I'm down $600 for the month already and it's only the 9th, sucks.

May have to move down to 25nl again which is not on the top of my wish list. However it's a limit I know I can crush, and so moving down for a bit won't hurt. I feel like I have two main leaks in my game at the moment that is holding me back from my potential. Firstly is calling the river and paying people off when their ranges either crush me or they are bluffing, and people are rarely bluffing on the river, so I should tighten that up. The next is tilting. I need to stop tilting. Or at least control it better.

Here is to a good second half of November for all, though especially to me!

Monday, 1 November 2010


Has anyone else noticed the side bar is at the bottom of the page? It's really annoying. Does anyone know how to fix it?