Friday 9 October 2009

Observe the sons of Ulster marching towards the Somme...

Since I haven't written much recently I'll fill you in. I have been playing 9 tables of 10nl atm. I had a few tilt sessions at 25nl and decided to move down to 10nl and beat that for a good clip. I am a bit undecided atm, I want to beat 10nl over at least 20k hands, however I also want to be moving up again. I'm beating 10nl for 11bb/100 over 8k hands (small sample).

Anyway I got a HUD, Poker Co-Pilot 2 for mac. It's pretty good imo. It's not as in depth as HEM or PT would be and it's missing a couple of stats that would be useful like turn and river stats. But seeing people's VPIP, PFR, AF, 3b%, F3b, CBET, FCBET is a good start.

Post of the week:
I'd have to say CMAR's ownage of Trapz. A hilarous essay long disortation when all he had to say was 'lol Trapz is gay lol' I don't know Trapz, and have no opinion on him whatsoever, but the post was hilarious.

Quote of the week:

'that was sick...' - random nobody after someone hits a 19 outer on the river. I can't imagine a worse beat than that.

Hand of the week:

I am normally going to save this part for my own hands, but this time I'm going to have to award it to Antonius' K high call, just proves the other level of sickness that these players are on to the rest of us.