Thursday, 31 December 2009

So lazy..

I'm so lazy, I don't update this enough. So I'll start with a round up of November and December.

November was a grrrreat month. I went on one massive heater after scoring my first tourney win played 25nl until I hit 1k and then played 50nl for the rest of the month. I was beating 50nl at 5-6ptbb and grabbed 1.1k profit. So really good month, especially since my last month had been so poor.

December started badly, hit a 10bi downswing right off the bat, then recovered from that. I took some shots at 100nl, played really well but got eaten alive by some internet pros who cold called 3bets with J7o and turned two pair. That started a huge downswing, every time I sat down to play it would just be BAM cooler or BAM spew(they are the same right?????). In the end it cut my br from $2.1k to $900 in about a week. I moved back down to 25nl to rebuild and I eventually did, and now I am back at 50nl being a bit break even but that's better than losing.

I also hit Platinum VIP status which is great.

Now 2009 was a year that I went from 2nl to playing 50nl, logically then I will end 2010 at 1knl. But I realize that higher limits are harder yadda yadda yadda. I will try and be realistic with my 2010 goals.

2010 poker goals
[] Supernova VIP status
[] Move up to playing 400nl by the end of the year.
[] learn 6max/HU/PLO
[] $20k profits
[] Win a NLHE donkament
[] Really work on my game and preventing spew

January poker goals
[] Keep my Platinum status
[] $1k profit
[] Stop the spew
[] 40k hands

Cheers! GL at the tables! Wish you a lot of run good for 2010!

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